Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom – Viola
In Insurgence, bestselling author Frank Viola presents a radical proposal for Christians. Namely, that we have lost the explosive, earthshaking gospel of the kingdom that Jesus, Paul, and the other apostles preached. Viola argues that we’ve lost this dynamic, titanic, living gospel and exchanged it for a gospel of religious duty or permissiveness and “easy believism.”
The Last Arrow: Save Nothing for the Next Life – McManus
The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a life that defies odds and alters destinies. Discover the attributes of those who break the gravitational pull of mediocrity as cultural pioneer and thought leader Erwin McManus examines the characteristics of individuals who risked everything for a life they could only imagine. Imagine living the life you were convinced was only a dream.
Soul Keeping: Caring For the Most Important Part of You – Ortberg
Bestselling author John Ortberg presents another classic that will help you discover your soul―the most important connection to God there is―and find your way out of the spiritual shallow-lands to true divine depth. With characteristic insight and an accessible story-filled approach, Ortberg brings practicality and relevance to one of Christianity’s most mysterious and neglected topics.
The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb: Searching for Jesus’ Path of Power in a Church that Has Abandoned It – Goggin and Strobel
Why do so many rock-star pastors implode under the spotlight? Why do modern-day churches become so entangled in growing their brand that they lose sight of their true purpose? Because, according to Jamin Goggin and Kyle Strobel, Christians have succumbed to the temptations of power and forgotten Jesus’ seemingly contradictory path to power—first giving it up.
The Prodigal God – Keller
The Prodigal God looks at the Parable of the Prodigal Son as a parable about the lostness of both brothers and the heart of God the Father that is revealed towards them both. Keller shows clearly that the parable is a powerful challenge to self-righteous, religious moralists. Both brothers are lost, and the only way back to the father is through his love and grace. This is a must read for all followers of Jesus.
Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope that Matters – Keller
In this book Timothy Keller exposes the idols that permeate human hearts and cultures. He identifies the nature of idolatry and examines specific idols that rule over individual people and nations. Keller’s analysis is biblically and theologically grounded, and he shows how to break the power of idolatry through worshiping and loving Jesus Christ. Since Christians continue to struggle with the idols that their hearts cherish, Keller provides tools for examining our hearts so we can discover where idols still have a foothold in our lives. This book provides clear insight into the theory and practice of contemporary idolatry, as well as providing biblical help and hope in the gospel.
Hearing God – Developing a Conversational Relationship with God – Dallas Willard
How do we hear his voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? What role does the Bible play? What if what God says to us is not clear? The key, says best-selling author Dallas Willard, is to focus not so much on individual actions and decisions as on building our personal relationship with our creator.
Saturate (Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life) – Jeff Vanderstelt
Many Christians have unwittingly embraced the idea that “church” is a once-a-week event rather than a community of Spirit-empowered people; that “ministry” is what pastors do on Sundays rather than the 24/7 calling of all believers; and that “discipleship” is a program rather than the normal state of every follower of Jesus.
Drawing on his experience as a pastor and church planter, Jeff Vanderstelt wants us to see that there’s more—much more—to the Christian life than sitting in a pew once a week. God has called his people to something bigger: a view of the Christian life that encompasses the ordinary, the extraordinary, and everything in between.
The Ragamuffin Gospel – Brennan Manning
The world assigns value to people using measurable standards. Someone is a successful student if she receives As. Someone is a strong athlete if he runs five miles a day. The Lord, however, knows nothing of standards. The Ragamuffin Gospel was inspired by Brennan Manning after he discovered firsthand what it means to live by grace instead of performance.
The Furious Longing of God – Brennan Manning
The Furious Longing of God is the latest tour de force from beloved author and ragamuffin, Brennan Manning. Hold on tight as you discover the most powerful force in the universe: God’s furious longing for you. There is nowhere God won’t go to find us. No country too distant. No terrain too treacherous. No risk too great. It is a Father’s search for His lost son, His lost daughter. And there are no boundaries to where His love will take Him in order to find us, embrace us, and carry us home!
Forgotten God – Francis Chan
This is a great book on the role of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.
Crazy Love – Francis Chan
When Jesus was asked the question “what is the greatest commandment?” He responded “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.” This book will challenge you to consider the implications of this in your everyday life. What does it mean to follow Christ and show this crazy love to others? This book has challenged and changed me in many ways.
Searching For God Knows What – Donald Miller
Typical Miller, very humourous and challenges every religous bone in your body – in a good way!
Blue Like Jazz – Donald Miller
A great book for those who are seeking. The subtitle says it all “non religious thoughts on Christian spirituality.”
The Pursuit Of God – A. W. Tozer
A classic, must read for everyone who desires a deeper relationship with Christ.
The Pursuit Of Man – A.W. Tozer
The follow up to Pursuit of God. In this book Tozer explores God’s love for us and His pursuit of us.
The Knowledge Of The Holy – A.W. Tozer
For the record, all of Tozer’s books are worthy of recommendation but there simply isn’t room. In the Knowledge of the Holy, Tozer takes an in depth look at the attributes of God and their meaning in the Christian life.
The Tangible Kingdom – Hugh Halter and Matt Smay
This book is a must read for all church planters and anyone who is serious about living a missional life.
Radical – David Platt
It’s easy for American Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live, what their new lifestyle would actually look like. They would, he said, leave behind security, money, convenience, even family for him. They would abandon everything for the gospel. They would take up their crosses daily…
Abba’s Child – Brennan Manning
Many Christians feel broken and angry but don’t think they can express these real feelings around others—or to God. So we put on a mask to hide our identity. Feelings of embarrassment and shame make us hide from the One who truly loves us. Author Brennan Manning encourages you to let go of this stressful, unreal impostor lifestyle and freely accept your identity as a child of God.
The Irresistible Revolution – Shane Claiborne
Living a life of simplicity in this day and age is truly revolutionary. This book will challenge you to the core in this area. The amazing thing is that Claiborne does this by simply telling stories from his own personal journey.
Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
Written by one of the most prolific Christian writers of all time, Mere Christianity is a classic book on the basics of the Christian faith. Like Tozer, all of Lewis’ books deserve recommedation.
Classic Christianity – Bob George
This book will change your life. If you are tired of religion and if trying to follow Jesus has become burdensome to you, you have to read this book. The truth will surprise you and set you free!
Spiritual Leadership – J. Oswald Sanders
Hands down one of the best books ever written on spiritual leadership. If you are tired of Christian leadership books that rely more on business principles then applying Biblical truth, then this book will be a breath of fresh air.
Chazown – Craig Groeschel
Chazown is Hebrew for “vision”. In this book Groeschel will challenge you to seek God’s vision and purpose for your life. What is the meaning and purpose of your life, what has God gifted and called you to do? If these questions resonate with you, read this book!
God Calling – A.J. Russell
A devotional unlike any other you will read!
The Imitation of Christ – Thomas A. Kempis
Written in the early 15th century, this book is said to be the second most published book in history next to the Bible. True or not, it is a book that should be in library of ever Christ follower.
The Practice Of The Presence Of God – Brother Lawrence
If you desire to experience God on a daily basis even in the mundane things of life, you will gain insight and be challenged as you read this little book. Another classic.
The Case For Christ – Lee Strobel
Strobel, a former skeptic and atheist, uses his skill as an investigative reporter to write a compelling book about the claims of Christ and Christianity. This is a great book to give to those who feel they need regarding the validity of the Bible and the deity of Christ. A Case for Faith and A Case For Creation are also great books by Strobel.
Experiencing The Depths Of Jesus Christ-Jeanne Guyon
Although not widely distributed today, this book has been called “one of the greatest Christian writings of all time.” Jeanne Guyon writes with deep insight in the area of prayer. She was labled a heretic by the Catholic church and imprisoned from 1695 to 1703 after publishing a book titled “A Short and Easy Method of Prayer”
Holy Discontent – Bill Hybels
This is a very timely book. Hybels challenges us to look at the world and see what it is that frustrates us and breaks our hearts. His belief is that often these are the very things that God is moved by as well, and we may be His agents to begin to bring about much needed change.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality – Peter Scazzero
This book is the follow up to “The Emotionally Healthy Church”, which is an excellent book as well. Scazzero challenges the conventionional thinking of how true spiritual growth takes place. He provides an alternative model based on authenticity and a true hunger for God. Don’t think of this as a book on models and methods but rather authentic life change in Christ.