We believe that we were created to live in community, therefore we value authentic relationships. As a result we have chosen to be a relationally driven, rather than program driven. Acts chapter 2 tells us that the early believers were devoted to these four things; the apostles teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer. As a church, this is what we desire to be devoted to as well.
Check out our Calendar for upcoming fellowship events, Bible studies and outreach opportunities.
Life Groups
Life Groups are small gatherings of men, women and couples that meet regularly for the purpose of growth, both relationally and spiritually. You will find that each group is unique in nature, but all share a few key things in common. These groups will all have an element of fellowship, as well as a time of encouraging one another spiritually. Our hope is that as we gather and grow, we will be encouraged to live out the gospel, fulling the great commission, to go and make more disciples of Christ.

Church Partnership
We acknowledge that ultimately there is only one Church and everyone who is a believer in Christ is a part of the body of Christ worldwide. While this is true, we also believe that it is important for individuals to be connected to a local expression of His body. When partnering with a church it is important that you find a place where you and your family can grow and where the vision and values line up with what is in your heart.
The church is not made up of spectators, but rather participants, who are involved in what God is doing in and through that community. God has gifted each person and each plays a significant unique role in the body. It is for this reason that we invite you to partner with us in the gospel. To find out more about partnership at Emmaus, you can reach out to us here
The Church is not something that we build or become, it is who we are. For this reason, we encourage everyone to use their God given gifts and talents to help strengthen the Body.
There are plenty of areas to serve in the Body of Christ, it is just a matter of finding a place that is the right fit for you. We believe that new ministries begin with God giving a vision or a burden to a person or a group of people. We are always looking to join God in what He is doing. So, if He has put something on your heart, please do not hesitate to share that with us and we will prayerfully consider how we can be a part of bringing strength and support to that vision.

Interested in Serving?
Email us at if you would like to serve in a ministry, discuss your vision for a ministry or if you would like more information on anything in this page.
Emmaus Church of Jacksonville is a non denominational Church in Jacksonville Florida.